Dylan (born 04.07.2020) is our appaloosa (spotty) llama. Born on independence day, Dylan is best pals with Thelonious and the two are inseparable. Dylan is named after Dylan Thomas, the Welsh poet.
The Littlest Llama

Noah (born 06.08.2020) is our youngest llama and very sweet. He is a full suri llama - suri being a long haired llama. It will take him a few years to grow his hair out - we are hoping it will eventually be down to his feet!
The Fancy Llama

Hendrix (born 24.04.2020) is a Tampuli llama. Tampulis are extremely woolly llamas - much hairier than the ‘classic’ ccara llama we are used to seeing in this country (see Ieuan and Albie below). Hendrix is a chilled out character and we think he is going to make an excellent trekking llama.
The Argentine Llama

Thelonious (born 07.07.2020) is our half Argentine llama. Argentine llamas are incredibly woolly with hair all the way down to their toes! We are very excited to see how Thelonious develps as he grows over the next few years. He is named after a very charismatic and beautiful guinea pig that used to live with us, who in turn was named after Thelonious Monk, the jazz pianist.
The Laid Back Llama

Myrddin (born 05/06/2017) is our suri llama. Suri llamas have very fine silky long hair, and Myrddin has the softest coat out of all our llamas. A very chilled out little boy, Myrddin lives in his own little world and likes to plod along at the back of the trek. He tends to be a bit slower than the bigger boys, as he only has little legs. He is best pals with Macsen and the two white llamas spend most of their time with each other. Being the smallest and youngest of the llamas for many years, Myrddin discovered that he can squeeze through certain fence gaps that the other llamas cannot, and has therefore picked up a knack for uncovering fresh sources of grazing that the other boys cannot reach! ‘Myrddin’ is Welsh for Merlin and is pronounced ‘Merth-in’.
The Greedy Llama

Zazu (born 24/07/2014) is always first in line whenever a new hay bale is brought into the stable, and holds the record for fastest llama to sprint across the field upon dinner being served. Unlike his brother Ieuan, he loves being the centre of attention.
Zazu is one of our most experienced trekkers, and has been leading treks since 2016. He is almost always at the front of a trek, and normally is accompanied by a staff member to ensure he continues walking and not eating (he still gets to eat before, after and during!|)
The Independent Llama

Ieuan (born 31/05/2013) is our eldest llama, and one of the biggest. He is very polite and placid. Ieuan prefers to observe events from the back of the herd instead of being the centre of attention. Although he doesn’t think of himself as the leader, the other llamas tend to follow him into a new field if he decides to move onto fresh grazing. He is very independent minded for a llama - he will happily graze by himself, whereas many llamas would start to worry if they were not close to another llama. His name is the Welsh version of ‘John’ and is pronounced ‘yay-an’.
The Naughty Llama

Albie (born 03/09/2014) is always causing trouble. If there is llama drama, then you can bet Albie will be the instigator. Originally our youngest llama, Albie has been put out more recently when our new recruits joined the herd, as he is no longer the cute baby llama. For years, Albie was convinced that Ieuan was his mother, and regularly attempted to suckle poor Ieuan for milk. Albie is half brother to Ieuan and Zazu.
The Media Llama

Max (born 17.05.2017) is our professional media llama, having featured on the BBC’s The One Show, ITV’s Coast and Country, ITV’s This Morning with Eamonn and Ruth, BBC News, Sky News, ITV News, ABC News, CBS News, Fox News, and Today (Australia). We suspect that he is one of (if not THE) most famous llamas in the world, and currently has over twenty two million views on his latest TikTok video.
He has also starred in print and online countless times, making appearences in The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Independent, The Guardian, The Western Telegraph, Wales Online, Metro, London Evening Standard, The Irish Sun, Inside Edition, Reuters, Indian Express, Unilad, Londran News (Italy), TV Londres (France), Travelo (Hungary - we think!), The People (Thailand - we think!), Tivyside Advertiser, Milford Mercury, Yahoo News, MSN News, AOL, The Global Herald, News 18, WCAX, Story Dey Here, News Colony, Economy Chat, Weekly Times, 24 World News, Danilfineman.com, News Break, WBBJ, Simple News, Airiters, Kehindepopoola.com, The World News, Sound Health & Lasting Wealth, 9&10 News, WTKR News 3, Nature Is Amazing, In The Know Conservation, B/60 and 9gag.com
Why is he a global sensation? You’ll just have to visit to find out!
Max was in the past our star trekking llama, but since achieving fame and discovering his love of the camera, he has decided that he is above walking, and rarely gets out of bed now unless there is a camera crew present to tempt him. That’s okay though, as he has trained up a small army of young llamas to go walking in his stead!
The Gatekeeper

Teilo (born 19/07/2014) is the leader and peacekeeper of the herd. All of our llamas tend to be pretty well behaved (most of the time), but if there is even a hint of mutiny in the ranks, Teilo will quash any undesirable behaviour with just a look in the direction of the llama in question - and the boys know better than to provoke Teilo. Our biggest llama, Teilo is always on the lookout, and if he sees anything suspicious or new on the perimeter of his fields he will let out an alarm call to draw the other llama’s attention towards a potential threat. Teilo is named after the West Walian saint of the same name, which has proven to be apt, as he is a little (big) saint!